How do I cancel my plan or a Family Member's plan?

Only the Account Holder can cancel their plan or their Family Member's plan.

Choose the version that most looks like your screen before starting the cancellation request:


Version A

The Account Holder must:

  1. Log into your account in the app.
  2. Click down the arrow next to your name.
  3. Select Plan Management or Dependents, choose the person, and click on Plan Management.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Cancel and Confirm.

📌 The cancellation will occur at the end of your billing cycle, and you can use your plan until then.

Version B

The Account Holder must:

  1. Log into your account in the app and click Profile.
  2. Click the gear icon in the screen's top right corner, then click on Account.
  3. In Subscription, select Manage Subscription or Family Members > Manage Subscription.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Cancel Subscription.
  5. Confirm or click Undo cancellation.

📌 The cancellation will occur at the end of your billing cycle, and you can use your plan until then.

Articles in this section

Articles in this section

Only the Account Holder can cancel their plan or their Family Member's plan.

Choose the version that most looks like your screen before starting the cancellation request:


Version A

The Account Holder must:

  1. Log into your account in the app.
  2. Click down the arrow next to your name.
  3. Select Plan Management or Dependents, choose the person, and click on Plan Management.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Cancel and Confirm.

📌 The cancellation will occur at the end of your billing cycle, and you can use your plan until then.

Version B

The Account Holder must:

  1. Log into your account in the app and click Profile.
  2. Click the gear icon in the screen's top right corner, then click on Account.
  3. In Subscription, select Manage Subscription or Family Members > Manage Subscription.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Cancel Subscription.
  5. Confirm or click Undo cancellation.

📌 The cancellation will occur at the end of your billing cycle, and you can use your plan until then.

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