Only the Account Holder can cancel their plan or their Family Member's plan.
Choose the version that most looks like your screen before starting the cancellation request:
The Account Holder must:
- Log into your account in the app.
- Click down the arrow next to your name.
- Select Plan Management or Dependents, choose the person, and click on Plan Management.
- At the bottom of the page, click Cancel and Confirm.
📌 The cancellation will occur at the end of your billing cycle, and you can use your plan until then.
The Account Holder must:
- Log into your account in the app and click Profile.
- Click the gear icon in the screen's top right corner, then click on Account.
- In Subscription, select Manage Subscription or Family Members > Manage Subscription.
- At the bottom of the page, click Cancel Subscription.
- Confirm or click Undo cancellation.
📌 The cancellation will occur at the end of your billing cycle, and you can use your plan until then.