To check in with Gympass, you must be within 30 metres of the partner’s entrance.

Find below the version that most looks like your screen:


Version A
  1. Log into the app and click on Check-in.
  2. Search and select the gym/studio you wish to visit.
  3. Click on the Confirm option.
Version B
  1. Log in to the Gympass app and click on Check-in.
  2. If you are accessing an in-person partner, select the walk-in tab to find the gym you want and click on check-in.
  3. If you are accessing a previously booked class, click on Bookings to check in to the class.

📌 Gyms may require you to provide your 13-Digit Gympass ID, which is located on your Gympass app profile page.

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To check in with Gympass, you must be within 30 metres of the partner’s entrance.

Find below the version that most looks like your screen:


Version A
  1. Log into the app and click on Check-in.
  2. Search and select the gym/studio you wish to visit.
  3. Click on the Confirm option.
Version B
  1. Log in to the Gympass app and click on Check-in.
  2. If you are accessing an in-person partner, select the walk-in tab to find the gym you want and click on check-in.
  3. If you are accessing a previously booked class, click on Bookings to check in to the class.

📌 Gyms may require you to provide your 13-Digit Gympass ID, which is located on your Gympass app profile page.

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