What happens in cases of late cancel or no-show?

Our partnered studios and gyms have their own cancellation policies, and they may differ from each other.

To avoid missing your daily check-in, cancel your booking within the partner’s allowed cancellation period. You can find this information on Bookings in the app or your booking confirmation email.

In cases of no-shows, the check-in will be counted, and you will not be able to access another class, gym, or studio on the same day.

If you cancel a booking at short notice or don’t attend the class 4 times in one month, new bookings will be automatically blocked until the end of the month.

📌 Your check-in for partners that do not require an advanced booking will still be available. Only new bookings will be blocked until the end of the month.


Always check in on the app before the class starts to avoid a no-show.

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Our partnered studios and gyms have their own cancellation policies, and they may differ from each other.

To avoid missing your daily check-in, cancel your booking within the partner’s allowed cancellation period. You can find this information on Bookings in the app or your booking confirmation email.

In cases of no-shows, the check-in will be counted, and you will not be able to access another class, gym, or studio on the same day.

If you cancel a booking at short notice or don’t attend the class 4 times in one month, new bookings will be automatically blocked until the end of the month.

📌 Your check-in for partners that do not require an advanced booking will still be available. Only new bookings will be blocked until the end of the month.


Always check in on the app before the class starts to avoid a no-show.

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