How do I create my live class schedule?

Gyms, studios, and Personal Trainers can offer live classes and create their schedule through the Partner Portal by following the steps below:

  1. Sign in to the Partner Portal.
  2. Click on Class Schedule, and select Add a class.
  3. Add the class name, select a category, and add a description.
  4. Complete the How to prepare field.
  5. Add your streaming link (limited to Zoom, Google Meet, Whereby, and Uplift).
  6. Select the duration of the class - it must be at least 30 minutes long.
  7. Choose the days of the week and times your classes will take place.
  8. If you are a Personal Trainer, select the maximum booking time: how far in advance users can book this class.
  9. Once this is done, click on Save class.

💡 You can edit or remove an existing class by simply clicking on it and selecting or editing the desired options.

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Gyms, studios, and Personal Trainers can offer live classes and create their schedule through the Partner Portal by following the steps below:

  1. Sign in to the Partner Portal.
  2. Click on Class Schedule, and select Add a class.
  3. Add the class name, select a category, and add a description.
  4. Complete the How to prepare field.
  5. Add your streaming link (limited to Zoom, Google Meet, Whereby, and Uplift).
  6. Select the duration of the class - it must be at least 30 minutes long.
  7. Choose the days of the week and times your classes will take place.
  8. If you are a Personal Trainer, select the maximum booking time: how far in advance users can book this class.
  9. Once this is done, click on Save class.

💡 You can edit or remove an existing class by simply clicking on it and selecting or editing the desired options.

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